O Transconstitucionalismo e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos
o caso Barbosa de Souza e outros vs. Brasil
The article aims to contribute to the studies of transconstitutionalism through a case study. With this end, firstly, a brief study on the theory of transconstitutionalism, by Marcelo Neves, is carried out. Then, an analysis of the case of the femicide of Márcia Barbosa de Souza by a State Congressman in 1998, which led to the conviction of Brazil in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in 2021. Among the constitutional questions raised in the trial, the regulation and application of parliamentary immunity is highlighted. In view of this, the article intends to answer the question: how can transconstitutionalism be observed in the judgment of the case Barbosa de Souza and Others vs. Brazil by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights? It is concluded that, by establishing criteria for the interpretation and application of Brazilian constitutional norms, the Inter-American Court promoted a constructive constitutional dialogue between different legal orders. The study was carried out through the qualitative method and is based on bibliographic research.
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