Agência e Politização
experiências do Coletivo de Mulheres Migrantes - Cio da Terra
In this work, we shed light on the actions carried out by the Migrant Women's Collective - Cio da Terra, active mainly in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (RMBH - MG, Brazil). This is an experience report that seeks to focus on the proposals and activities carried out by two areas of the collective: Sociopolitical Formation and the Course of Portuguese as a Host Language (PLAc) for Migrant Women. The aim is to demonstrate in what ways these collective activities are permeated by processes of politicization, evidencing the political agency and the importance of building bonds between women. In order to do so, after situating the socio-historical context, when dealing with women's mobility in a broader sense, and sociopolitical, when presenting the collective in its spheres of action, we will share, in two sections, the experiences in the scope of each area presented. Without losing sight of the intersections between them and the other fronts of action of Cio da Terra, we will contemplate the initiatives that seek to promote the politicization of migrant women within the collective, such as the pedagogical project of the PLAc Course for Women, and beyond its borders, such as the participation in events and public spaces by members of the Socio-Political Training area, ensuring the representativeness of migrant women, the promotion of their rights and the occupation of different spaces.
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