Reading International Courts through Post- and Decolonial Perspectives
Postcolonial and decolonial approaches have proven to be highly pertinent and valuable in the analysis of international courts. They provide a critical perspective and theoretical framework that emphasize issues related to power, domination, inequality and justice in the different dynamics of international legal practice. This article aims to provide an assessment of the way the fundamental principles of post-colonial and decolonial approaches can be applied to a reading of international courts, as to provide a deeper understanding of their structures and practices, identifying underlying issues of power, inequality and domination. To this end, this article is structured in two parts: the first explores the main concepts of post-colonial and decolonial theories and their contributions to our understanding of international law; the second part links the arguments of these theories to the practice of international courts, in order to highlight possible ways to critically analyse the colonial relations incorporated in the practice of international courts.
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