The nuremberg trials influence in the international criminal justice construction
This study addresses the influence of the Nuremberg Trials in the international criminal justice consolidation. The Nuremberg International Military Tribunal was created through the London Agreement of 1945, with established the creation of a military tribunal by the Allies in Nuremberg, Germany, to judge the guilties for the crimes committed to a wide-ranging population in Europe, due to nazi conspiration. At the beginning, the following research problem area was proposed: in which extension did the Nuremberg Trials contribute to the international justice construction? In order to make this central question clear, this article is composed by two parts, which have the specific objectives: 1) To elucidate the Nuremberg Trials Development, since its origins until the guilties penalties; 2) To comprehend the Nuremberg Trials and its Statute matter in the composition of the international criminal law and human rights; and 3) To analyze the international community learning after the Nuremberg Trials, as well as its Statute as starting point to the formulation of new Statutes for the International Military Tribunals for ex-Yugoslavia and Ruanda, the creation of the International Criminal Court and the discussion and improvement of Human Rights. Through the hypothetical-deductive methodology, it was concluded that the Nuremberg Trials have brought many benefits, between them persons joined to the international community and the war crimes typification, what took a change of ages in the International Law. Finally, in continuity to the Nuremberg legacy, the implantation of a permanent International Criminal Court emphasized by its importance, to make justice in an international level.
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