The United Kingdom refugee protection system:

a contemporary analysis

  • Isabela Rocha Faria University of Sussex, Reino Unido.
  • Dorival Guimarães Pereira Junior SKEMA Business School, Brasil.
Keywords: Refugees. United Kingdom. Public Policies.


The present study intents to analyse the British Government public policies concerning refugees from the beginning of this decade until the current moment under the Brexit negotiation context. In this article it shall be investigated the actions taken by United Kingdom regarding the refugees’ rights and their inclusion within the country, aiming to scrutinize if the government is complying with what has been determined by the treaties and conventions the state has signed. In that respect, the present research shall explore the legislation available on this matter, and also analyse speeches of the relevant political bodies and data referring to the reality of the refugees in the country.

Author Biographies

Isabela Rocha Faria, University of Sussex, Reino Unido.

Bacharel em Relações Internacionais pela faculdade IBMEC de Minas Gerais. Mestranda em Direito Internacional, pela Faculdade de Direito, Política e Sociologia, da Universidade de Sussex. E-mail: < >. ORCID: < >.

Dorival Guimarães Pereira Junior, SKEMA Business School, Brasil.

Bacharel em Direito, pela Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos. Mestre em Direito Internacional, pela Faculdade de Direito, da Universidade de Paris (Paris XI - Faculté Jean Monnet). Professor do curso de Direito e do curso de Relações Internacionais da faculdade IBMEC MG. Professor da SKEMA Business School. Advogado. Lattes: <  >. E-mail: < dorival.guimaraes@skema.edur>. 


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How to Cite
FARIA, I. R.; PEREIRA JUNIOR, D. G. The United Kingdom refugee protection system:: a contemporary analysis. Cadernos Eletrônicos Direito Internacional sem Fronteiras, v. 2, n. 1, p. e20200107, 30 Jun. 2020.