The doctrine of due diligence and the responsibility of states in the crisis caused by Covid-19

  • José Antonio Romero Lara Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Espanha.


Due diligence is one of the most recent sources of state obligations that we should value in the context in which we find ourselves, which already has several precedents in jurisprudence. In the present work, we analyze this doctrine in the context of the OVID-19 pandemic, using the main international treaties from which the possible responsibility of the States would derive by virtue of this doctrine and how it would materialize.

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Author Biography

José Antonio Romero Lara, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Espanha.

Graduado en Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga. Máster en Estudios Internacionales y de la Unión Europea de la Universidad de Valencia. E-mail: < >. ORCID: < >.


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How to Cite
LARA, J. A. R. The doctrine of due diligence and the responsibility of states in the crisis caused by Covid-19. Cadernos Eletrônicos Direito Internacional sem Fronteiras, v. 2, n. 1, p. e20200112, 30 Jun. 2020.