Direito comparado, teletrabalho e reforma trabalhista
This article aimed to analyze the telework regulation by the “labor reform”, observing the occurrences on the environmental working conditions and the consequences on the teleworker's physical and psychological health under the perspective of comparative law. The existing relevance of this study is the fact that it evaluates the interface and relationship between work and technology, through the figure of telework as a distance work modality. The work aimed to demonstrate the employer's objective responsibility in occupational diseases and accidents that occurr in teleworking, as well as the article concluded that a pro-employee legal interpretation is needed and the respective legislative adequacy and modification is truly necessary in order to better bind the employer to the inspection and implementation of environmental and sanitary conditions in teleworking, at his cost. As for the methodology, it consisted primarily of a systematic and bibliographic review, of a descriptive and exploratory nature, based on a qualitative, interdisciplinary-comparative approach.
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